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Bacillus clausii 2.0 Billion Cells - Bacillus clausii, a member of the probiotic medicine class, is used to treat the imbalances and changes in the gut bacterial flora brought on by diarrhea and when taking medications like antibiotics and chemotherapy. Additionally, it facilitates the digestion of meals and repairs vitamin deficiencies. It helps people who are experiencing gastrointestinal problems like flatulence and irregular bowel movements.

In Bacillus clausii, there is a bacterium called "bacillus clausii" that produces spores. It stops the spread of infections in the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of this drug, the balance of the intestinal bacterial flora can also be recovered. Additionally, it promotes vitamin synthesis, preventing avitaminosis.

Directions and Precautions for use

Bacillus clausii is present in miniature bottles that are already ready to be consumed. Give the little bottle a vigorous shake before using, and then quickly down the entire contents. Take bacillus clausii at regular intervals throughout the day, as prescribed by your doctor. Take the additional safety precautions listed below.

  • if you have any allergies, Tell your doctor or pharmacist before using this medication. This has inactive components that could cause allergic reactions or other issues. Consult your pharmacist for more information.
  • If you have any of the following medical conditions, consult your doctor or pharmacist prior to using this product: HIV infection; a weakened immune system brought on, for instance, by chemotherapy or recurrent vaginal infections; recurrent urinary tract infections; diarrhea that lasts longer than two days; or recurrent urinary infections.
  • Foods, drinks, powders, and chewable pills could all contain aspartame and/or sugar. Proceed with caution if you have diabetes, a heritable disease (PKU), or any other condition that requires you to restrict or avoid these substances from your diet. For advice on how to use this product safely, speak with your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Before the operation, disclose to your surgeon or dentist all the products you consume (including prescription drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products).
  • Use this product with a doctor’s advice if you are pregnant

Side Effects Of Bacillus Clausii

  • Stomach gas can build up or bloat. Inform your doctor or pharmacist as soon as possible if this side effect persists or gets worse.
  • If you experience any severe side effects, such as symptoms of an infection such as a persistent cough, a fever, or chills, call your doctor straight away.
  • A serious allergic reaction to this product is quite unusual. However, you should seek immediate medical assistance if you experience any severe reaction symptoms, including skin rashes, intense itching or swelling (especially on the face, tongue, or neck), extreme dizziness, or breathing difficulties.
  • The probable negative effects are not all included in the list. If a medicine is giving you any other side effects or inconveniences, speak to your doctor or pharmacist right away.


Store it in a cool, dry environment and away from direct sunlight